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Is It Possible to Put Smaller Wheels on A Bike? A Detailed Guide

Some bikes are taller than your height. So, it is very uncomfortable if your feet cannot touch the ground. One suggestion is to put smaller wheels on the bike to reduce its height.

Does it really work? Is it possible to change the wheel size? This article will answer your every question in detail.

A few inches of size difference is adjustable. However, there are many other elements to know while replacing the tires. Thererfore, we have written a detailed guide explaining everything.

Perform this Test Before Wheels Replacement

Ride the bike and put your feet on the ground. Do they touch the ground properly? If yes, the issue may be with the pedals. Now, put your feet on the pedals.

Can you reach and move the pedals easily? Difficulty in reaching the pedals indicates that distance between the seat and the pedals is large.

Hence, changing the wheels will not help. Instead, you can consider exchanging the bike for a compatible one with someone else.

Who Should not Change Bike Wheels?

If you are an early teen, we would not recommend changing the tires to a smaller size. Because your height will grow very soon. Then, the current bike will fit you very easily.

So, you should have patience till then. However, go for replacement and other solutions if you are a late teen and your height has grown fully.

Is It Possible to Put Smaller Wheels on A Bike?

Downsizing the 26 Inches Wheels

While downsizing, we should not choose a too small size relative to the original one. A difference of 2-3 inches is fine. For example, we took a bike for a trial and changed its 26 inches tires to 24 inches.

It did not pose any trouble. The 2-inch smaller tires fitted easily. On the other hand, fitting 22 inches tires in 26 inches rim was a difficult task. When we drove this bike, it felt loose and less efficient.

Wheel size also affects the speed. For example, small tires are good for up to 16mph.  However, for 16-33mph, both smaller and bigger wheels are equally suitable. Larger tires are ideal if you want to drive at more than 33mph.

Do Smaller Wheels Make Any Difference?

Obviously, smaller tires make a difference. But, as I mentioned earlier, the size difference should not be too much. Fortunately, two inches can make a noticeable difference in reality.

  • You can ride the shorter bike easily. Your feet touch the ground and you feel comfortable while cycling.
  • Steering becomes convenient and you get better control over the vehicle.
  • Moreover, the vehicle is now easy to store and park.
  • We noticed that driving a bike with 24 inches tires is easier and more responsive.
  • Acceleration on smaller tires is improved as compared to the bigger ones.

Important Points to Consider

Before changing the tires, you have to consider a few important things. Otherwise, the replacement will be in vain. Because the new tires may not fit the old frame and forks.

  • Measure the width of the current wheels on your bike. While purchasing the new tires, match the width. Too thick tires will rub against the frame. Resultantly, the tires can blow away.
  • Further, check the suspension system and brake type. The brake may not work properly with different tires.
  • Similarly, consider the frame and structure of your vehicle. Look at the hardware and connections.
  • The mounting hardware and attachment points compatibility is also important. Otherwise, the new tires will not fix and adjust your bike.
  • Take help from a professional to replace the tire if you are not confident.

Benefits of Bigger Wheels

Smaller wheels offer more convenience during travel. However, they also have some drawbacks related to speed. Likewise, bigger wheels have their own benefits. You should know both aspects before deciding on a change.

  • Bigger wheels take the speed faster as compared to smaller ones and maintain it without requiring too much effort.
  • Downhill movement is also quick with bigger wheels. You have to pedal a little.
  • Furthermore, a bigger size is more efficient. Thus, the vehicle can move efficiently over rough terrain and you face fewer bumps.

Cons of Smaller Wheels

Although you can replace the wheels yet some issues can occur. Because the parts are installed according to the bike design and relative size, we changed the wheels of multiple bikes.

Some adjusted well to the new size. While others pose certain functioning problems. For example, the brake may not work properly after putting on the smaller wheels. In the case of a rim brake, they will not be in the right place.

Moreover, the incompatibility of the wheel gear and the chain is also an issue. If you replace a 5-gear wheel with an 8 gear, the chain will not fit. The old chain will be incompatible with the new tires.

Alternate Ways to Shorten the Bike

There are some other ways to reduce the height of your bike. You will not need to change the tires. Here are some tricks;

  • Adjust the seat to the lowest position. This will reduce the distance between the ground/pedal and your feet. So, you can reach the desired point easily.
  • Lift the pedal a little. Use cranks to lift up the pedals. This trick will also reduce the distance.
  • A pro tip is to learn to ride the bike correctly. Tilt a bit when riding. Do not change the tires if you can ride comfortably on the bigger ones.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bikes

Read the following questions/answers for more information about replacing the bike tires.

Can I replace 24-inch bike wheels with 20-inch?

It is a bit hard to put 20-inch wheels in place of 24-inch. The smaller tires may not fit properly in the frame. However, 22-inch tires would go easily. The adjustment is good with the minimum size difference.

How much important is the wheel size in bikes?

Wheels are the most important part of a vehicle. Because they carry the rider and tread the road. So, size affects efficiency and speed to a significant extent. Larger tires cover more distance but with less speed.

What are the reasons behind wheels wearing out quickly?

Debris and sharp objects on the road are the number one reason. These things blow out the tires and contribute to wearing and tearing. Moreover, improper wheel alignment, wrong driving habits, power steering, and brake, and suspension systems also lead to the early expiry of the tires.

Also review: Top 7 Ideal Dirt Bikes for Kids in 2023

Closing Remarks

While putting smaller wheels on your bike, maintain a minimum size difference. Too small tires cannot fit a very large frame. This article guides you in detail. I have also listed some alternate ways to reduce the height of your vehicle. So, you can adopt the most suitable method.

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