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7 Effective Solutions For Scooter Battery Not Charging While Running

An electric scooter is a wonderful invention. Because it has a rechargeable battery. Occasionally, the scooter battery fails to charge while running. It is a very common issue. I also faced it multiple times.

But, I manage to fix the scooter myself. I know some very effective troubleshooting steps to fix any electric scooter. Here is the complete guide to resolving this problem.

Why Scooter Battery Won’t Charge While Running?

The exact reason is unpredictable. However, I have found a few common causes that can lead to charging issues. Here is a brief overview of the reasons;

  • The Scooter system is overheated
  • Battery connections are loose or broken
  • Ground wires or wiring system is faulty
  • Battery terminals are dirty or corroded and the power supply is blocked
  • The battery regulator/rectifier is malfunctioning
  • Charging accessories such as charger or cable is faulty
  • The battery is defective, dead, or expired

Scooter Battery Not Charging While Running

How to Fix Charging Problem?

Since we know the causes, it is easy to troubleshoot now. You just need to check, examine, and inspect a few parts. Then, follow the simple fixing hacks. Next, I would tell each solution in detail.

Tip#1. Check the Battery Connections

The most common reason is the loose connection. As you know, the electric battery supplies power to all the parts of your scooter. The battery cannot receive or store energy due to loose connections.

So, examine the terminal connections. These are two small metal joints extending from both sides of the battery. Make sure the terminals are joined firmly. Tighten all the screws.

Tip#2. Examine the Wiring

The electric scooter system has many other wires and cables. Any flaw in the wiring system can also cause the charging issue. For example, there can be a miss in the ground wires.

Locate the ground wires with the help of the user manual. A wire may be short, broken, or burnt. So, replace the faulty wire and you are good to go. Take your vehicle to a certified technician for proper repair.

Tip#3. Clean the Battery Terminals

Generally, we do not pay heed to such minor things. But, most problems are caused by dirty components. The battery terminals are vulnerable to debris, grease, and rust.

Turn OFF your scooter and disconnect the power. Clean the battery with a microfiber cloth. Remove all the dust, debris, and rust. Examine if there is any corrosion and try to remove it.

Tip#4. Stop Overheating

Your scooter consumes energy while running. All of the components are engaged. Thus, the system gets heated up. Connecting the power generates more heat. This can lead to overheating.

Resultantly, the system shuts down and fails to charge. Because there is a risk of a fire or explosion. You should shut off and cool down your vehicle. Leave it for 30-60 minutes. Then, connect the power again.

Tip#5. Remove Aftermarket Add-Ons

Have you added some aftermarket accessories to your scooter? You should know that they put extra stress on the battery. For example, it can be LED fog lights, headlamps, heated seats/grips, and a sound system.

These add-ons consume energy fast. Hence, the battery drains during a ride or cannot provide power to all accessories. The solution is to disconnect these add-ons. Then, charge the scooter again.

Tip#6. Test the Regulator/Rectifier

The rectifier regulates the battery’s voltage and charging. It converts AC into DC while the engine is running. A bad regulator hinders charging.

It may fail to rectify AC into DC. Moreover, it can also cause explosions in serious situations. You can test the regulator with a Multimeter.

Tip#7. Check the Battery for Failure

The battery itself may be the reason. You must check all the above-mentioned parts. If everything is fine, most probably the battery is faulty or expired.

Electric scooter batteries have a certain lifespan of up to 4 years. After that, they need to be replaced. A dying battery cannot hold a charge or work efficiently. Test its voltage with a Multimeter.

Check the expiry date on your vehicle’s battery. Purchase a new one and replace it. I would recommend contacting the company for battery replacement.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Electric Scooters

Read the following important questions for further information. They will help you in solving other minor issues.

Why does my e-scooter battery drain so fast?

The most common cause is underinflated tires. The battery has to work harder if the tires have low pressure. Other reasons include extreme weather conditions, rough ground, frequent stops, starts, and climbs. Another possible reason is the bad battery.

What are the signs of a bad scooter battery?

Your scooter can not travel as far as before even if the battery is fully charged. The battery takes less or a longer time to charge. Light indicators turn OFF or charging stops. Your vehicle cannot start, accelerate, or run. Other signs include a bad burning smell or sparks in the battery compartment. Be sure to check the voltage with a Multimeter.

How to extend my scooter’s battery life?

By following some golden rules, you can extend the battery life. Avoid depleting the battery fully. Charge it before reaching 10%. Disconnect power as soon as the vehicle is charged fully. Do not overcharge or leave it plugged in overnight. Protect the battery from water, rain, and mud. When not in use, do not forget to recharge the battery once or twice a week.

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Closing Remarks

Hopefully, now your scooter battery is charging while running. All the solutions in this guide are the best to fix your problem. Check the wiring, connections, terminals, regulators, and battery. If you cannot repair the vehicle at home, call a professional mechanic or the manufacturer. Freely contact us for further suggestions and help guides.

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